Inmate addresses are verified on the first of every month. If you’re a friend or family member of one of these inmates, or believe we’re missing an inmate, please contact us and let us know if any of our information is incorrect or incomplete. Please also consider the political prisoners of January 6th, most of whom are not listed here.

James Allchurch (AKA Sven Longshanks)

Tags: International

James Allchurch has been found guilty of distributing racist and anti-Semitic content in the UK. Read more...

Henry Baird

Tags: Aryan Strikeforce, FBI Victim

Henry Lambert Baird was part of the Aryan Strikeforce which was setup by the FBI in a in a drugs-for-guns scheme. Read more...

Joe Biggs

Tags: Jan 6th

Joe Biggs was involved in the January 6th protests. Read more...

William Bryan

Tags: Arbery, Lifer

William Bryan recorded the encounter between the McMichaels and Ahmaud Arbery. Read more...

Derek Chauvin

Derek Chauvin was convicted of murdering George Floyd.

Sarah Clendaniel

Tags: FBI Victim

Sarah Clendaniel is a victim of the FBI.

Christopher Brenner Cook

Tags: FBI Victim

Christopher Brenner Cook is in prison for conspiracy to attack power infrastructure. Read more...

James Costello

Tags: International

James Costello was charged with 'stirring up racial hatred' by being an editor on a Creativity website. Read more...

Ian Cranston

Ian Cranston is a victim of a racial assault who defended himself as well as his fiancée from repeated sexual advances from a violent, drunken Black. Has convicted of manslaughter. Read more...

William Fears

Tags: Charlottesville

William Fears is charged with "burning an object with intention to intimmidate" for his actions at Charlottesville. Read more...

James Fields

Tags: Charlottesville, Lifer

James Alex Field's car was surrounded and attacked by Antifa at Charlottesville. Read more...

Adam Fox

Tags: Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax, FBI Victim

Adam Fox was framed as the ringleader of the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping hoax. Read more...

Jacob Goodwin

Tags: Charlottesville, Confederate, Garage Boys

Jacob attended Unite The Right in Charlottesville 2017 and was part of the "parking garage fight." Read more...

Coby Dale Green

Coby Dale Green threw a Molotov Cocktail into a shop that hosted a drag queen event. Read more...

Ryan McCann

Ryan McCann defended himself and others from a violent left wing activist at a free speech protest. Read more...

Matthew Hale

Tags: Creativity, FBI Victim

Matthew Hale was sent to prison for holding opinions the government didn't like after they tried and failed to entrap him. Read more...

Phillip Hassler (AKA Mr. Bond)

Tags: International

Phillip Hassler was arrested by Austrian authorities on charges of copyright infringement and “Promoting Nazi ideology”. Read more...

Christopher Hasson

Tags: FBI Victim

Christopher Hasson has pleaded guilty to federal gun and drug crimes. He was targeted because of his political beliefs. Read more...

Dustin Heathman

Dustin Heathman was the victim of a militarized police force. Read more...

Brandon Higgs

Brandon Higgs defended himself against two black agressors.

Richard Holzer

Tags: FBI Victim

Richard Holzer was catfished by the FBI and is facing federal charges accusing him of wanting to bomb a local synagogue. Read more...

Brian Lemley

Tags: The Base, FBI Victim

Brian Lemley was been arrested by the FBI for possession and transportation of an illegal weapon with the intent to commit a felony along with smuggling illegal aliens. Read more...

George Loeb

Tags: Creativity, Lifer

George Loeb defended himself and his wife in a parking lot. Read more...

Justin Lough

Tags: Aryan Strikeforce, FBI Victim

Justin Lough was part of the Aryan Strikeforce which was setup by the FBI in a in a drugs-for-guns scheme. Read more...

Douglass Mackey (AKA Ricky Vaughn)

Tags: Awaiting Sentencing

Douglass Mackey is convicted of election interference by sharing a meme. Read more...

Scott Miller

Tags: Jan 6

Scott Miller participated in the Jan 6 protest.

Márian Magát

Tags: International, Holocaust Revisionism

Márian Magát published a book that questioned the official narrative of the holocaust. Read more...

Patrik Mathews

Tags: The Base, FBI Victim

Patrik Mathews of Canada has been charged with being an alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition. Read more...

Gregory McMichael

Tags: Arbery, Lifer

Gregory McMichael and his son Travis McMichael confronted Ahmaud Arbery while protecting their neighborhood. Read more...

Travis McMichael

Tags: Arbery, Lifer

Travis McMichael and his father Gregory McMichael confronted Ahmaud Arbery while protecting their neighborhood. Read more...

Sam Melia

Tags: International

Sam Melia is facing years in prison for possessing pro-White stickers. Read more...

Pete Musico

Tags: Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax, FBI Victim

Pete Musico was wrapped up in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping hoax. Read more...

Stephen Pattison

Tags: FBI Victim

Stephen Pattison is in prison for gun charges. After reciving Antifa threats, Stephen armed himself while on parole. Read more...

Hannah Payne

Hannah defended herself against a black man.

Aimenn Penny

Aimenn Penny threw a Moltov Cocktail into a church that hosted drag shows. Read more...

Ashley Podsiad-Sharp

Tags: International

Ashley Podsiad-Sharp is in prison in the UK for simply having a "white supremacist handbook" on his hard drive. Read more...

Zachary Rehl

Tags: Jan 6th

Zachary Rehl was involved in the January 6th protests. Read more...

Stewart Rhodes

Tags: Jan 6th

Stewart Rhodes was involved in the January 6th protests. Read more...

Jacob Robards

Tags: Aryan Strikeforce, FBI Victim

Jacob Robards was part of the Aryan Strikeforce which was setup by the FBI in a in a drugs-for-guns scheme. Read more...

Robert Rundo

Robert Rundo is accused of conspiring to violate the anti-riot act for RAM's actions at political rallies across California in 2017. Read more...

Brandon Clint Russell

Tags: FBI Victim

Brandon Clint Russell is in prison for conspiracy to attack power infrastructure. Read more...

Hatchet Speed

Tags: Jan 6th, FBI Victim

Hatchet Speed, a former Navy Reservist, was sentenced to four years in prison for obstructing Congress as part of the January 6th protests. Read more...

Joshua Steever

Tags: Aryan Strikeforce, FBI Victim

Joshua Steever was part of the Aryan Strikeforce which was setup by the FBI in a in a drugs-for-guns scheme. Read more...

Tyler Tenbrink

Tyler Tenbrink fired a warning shot when attacked by Antifa after attending a Richard Spencer speech in Gainesville, Florida. Read more...

Jose Torres

Tags: Confederate

Jose and his wife became embroiled in an altercation with a mob of African Americans. No shots were fired and no injuries were reported yet Jose is in prison. Read more...

Justen Watkins

Tags: FBI Victim

Justen Watkins was charged with training for civil unrest. He is persecuted for his political beliefs. Read more...

Nicholas Welker

Tags: FBI Victim

Nicholas Welker is convicted of conspiracy to transmit threatening communications. Read more...

William White

William White was convicted of sending email threats sent to the FBI and Florida officials, and was sentenced to 17 years. Read more...