Joseph Morrison
Joseph Matthew Morrison was wrapped up in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping hoax.
Release Date: 9/17/2044
  Joseph's Interests
Joseph is interested Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Christianity generally.
  Literature Requests
Joseph requests The following books:
One Flesh by Lawrence Furley
Raising Them Right by Theophan the Recluse
A Daily Calendar of the Saints by Lawrence Farley
Becoming Orthodox by Peter Gillquist
Thirsting for God by Matthew Gallatin
Orthodox Christianity 5 Volumes by Metropolitan Alilarion Alfeyev
On Apostolic Preaching by St Irenaeus of Lyon translated by John Behr
The Orthodox Church 3rd Edition by Timothy Ware
Welcome to the Orthodox Church by Friedrica Matthewes-Green
Communicate with Joseph before shipping anything./p>
  Send Commissary
Joseph is able to receive Prison Commissary.
A prison commissary is a store within a correctional facility, from which inmates may purchase products such as hygiene items, snacks, writing instruments, etc.
Helping keep an inmate's commissary loaded up is a great way to show that you care. It can help them purchase the stamps, newspapers, and other items that help them connect with and keep up with the outside world.
Follow the instructions here.
  Send a Letter
Joseph is able to receive letters. Letters must contain your return address or they won't be received. Please review our guide, How to Write a Prisoner for more helpful tips.
Joseph Matthew Morrison
P.O. BOX 5000
PEKIN, IL 61555